The Center is pleased to announce the recipients of our second annual “Teaching for the Good Life” summer grants. Trinity faculty and staff were invited to apply for a week’s worth of funding for work that contributes to the Center’s mission, purpose, or guiding questions.
Recipients will gather at both the beginning and end of summer to discuss their projects and collaborate on how each project can impact the wider campus community.
Dr. Bill Boerman-Cornell, Education Dr. Michael Dieter, Education Dr. Christine Scholma, Special Education Equity, Justice and Inclusion in Course Construction and Implementation
Dr. Bill Boerman-Cornell
Dr. Michael Dieter
Dr. Christine Scholma
Dr. Clay Carlson
Dr. Clay Carlson, Biology Adam, Homo sapiens, and Me: Being Human
Dr. Lyudmyla Ivanyuk, Education Dr. La Tonia Winston, Education and Learning and Teaching Success
Reducing Exhaustion: An Exploration of Faculty Strategies at a Christian College
Dr. Lyudmyla Ivanyuk
Dr. La Tonia Winston
Dr. Debra Majewski
Dr. Debra Majewski, Counseling Psychology Balance Counseling Weekend Wellness Workshops
Dynitta Lieuwen, Provost’s Office, Semester in Spain, and Staff Council Trinity Christian College Staff Council Strategic DEI Initiative
Katie Oomkes, Student Life and Theatre Nicole Saint-Victor, Music and Multicultural Student Life Midwestern Disaster Relief: Integrated Experiential Learning
Katie Oomkes
Nicole Saint-Victor
Erin Pacheco, Chapel and Theology Nicole Saint-Victor, Music and Multicultural Student Life A Biblical Foundation for Intercultural Conversation
Erin Pacheco
Nicole Saint-Victor
Dr. Michael Vander Weele
Dr. Michael Vander Weele, Literature & Languages Contemporary Composition Theory: Presentation, Critique, and a Few Alternative Assignments
Dr. Rakisha Vinegar
Dr. Rakisha Vinegar, Adult Undergraduate Programs A Pilot Study for Non-Traditional Students: Implementing Andragogy and Heutagogy Learning Theories in Existing Academic Programs